Welcome To The Shin Do Ryu Family!

Thank you for your interest in our school! What we offer at Shin Do Ryu Karate is nothing like what you will find at any other schools in Kansas City.

At our school you will learn the basics of Traditional Japanese and Chinese Martial Arts. What makes a Shin Do Ryu Karate education unique is our teaching of techniques that can be used in your everyday life to keep you and your family safe.

who we are

Shin Do Ryu Karate is a Martial Arts school that offers Japanese, Korean and Chinese styles.

Established by Yuriy Gevorkov, Shin Do Ryu is dedicated to providing a comprehensive and thorough education to all of its students.

Our goal at Shin Do Ryu is to change the lives of our students by inspiring them to be strong, honorable and hard working in everything they do. As a result our students are prepared to defend themselves and are strong martial artists.

Style of our own

Shin Do Ryu’s Head instructor and owner Sensei Yuriy Gevorkov has spent his life practicing and mastering multiple styles of martial arts, including Japanese, Chinese and Korean martial styles. Using his vast experience  in each style he combined the best parts of each and created Shin Do Ryu Karate.

Our blended style is superior to traditional martial arts schools that focus only on one style because we have flexibility in how we train. People of different ages and fitness levels will find that Shin Do Ryu’s program provides them with traditional training but also alternatives to meet their needs.  Everyone who joins the Shin Do Ryu family will receive a top notch martial arts education and will learn how to react to any situation, defend themselves and stay safe.

Japanese Shotokan & Kyokushinkai

Kyokushin and Shotokan are stand up, full contact karate styles, that are fundamental in the Shin Do Ryu School. It is of upmost importance to know how to defend yourself. It’s not just enough to know how to break away if attacked, we teach you how to strike back and end the confrontation.

Sensei Yuriy performing with a Straight Sword

Chinese Wushu

Wushu is a style of martial arts that includes open handed forms (kata), full contact sparring and weapon training. Chinese martial arts are crucial in our program because they teach a different way to fight and train.

While Japanese styles focus on strong blocks and strikes, Chinese styles focus on fluid motions. Knowing both how to fight strong and fluid at the same time makes our students superior fighters, who can roll with the punches. 


In our program we practice kata because it teaches students focus, form, power and speed.  What you can learn in kata can be applied to all aspects of Martial Arts.

Kata is a set sequence of karate moves organized into a pre-arranged fight against imaginary opponents. A part of Shotokan since it’s founding in 1938 by Gichin Funakoshi, kata is rooted in Shin Do Ryu Karate.


Weapons in martial arts are like extensions of ones own body. Learning how to use weapons is not only physically challenging it helps students become in tune with their body movements. In Shin Do Ryu we teach Chinese broad sword, long sword, fan and bo staff.